Do the people in your organization have what they need to do their best work?

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Is your organization just starting out on its DEI journey but doesn’t quite know what this means, what it looks like, or where to start? 

Or has your organization been doing some DEI work but you’re hitting a wall? Maybe you’ve tried some things, had some meetings, formed a committee, put out a statement, and maybe even worked with a consultant before and done some workshops, but you need help getting everyone on the same page as far as a common language and understanding, strategic alignment, and a roadmap so there is a clear path forward.

Has your organization been getting feedback from staff that is bringing issues to the surface about work culture and the experiences of people of color, women and others in your organization who don’t align with dominant identities? 

Are you looking for a long term DEI partner to collaborate with you on shifting culture, driving equity and co-creating inclusion at your company or organization?

We use the acronym DEI for diversity, equity and inclusion, but know there are many acronyms out there that your organization my use, including EDI, JEDI (J is for justice), DEIB (B is for belonging), REI (R is for race) and more.

We use the word “organization” to refer to the non-profit organizations we primarily work with as well as mission driven firms and companies.


Do you have trouble hiring and retaining BIPOC staff?

Has your organization been called out for racism or for perpetuating white supremacy culture?

Is your staff demanding a deeper engagement with DEI issues?

Are you losing projects or funding opportunities or potential/current staff because you can’t talk about what you’re doing for DEI?

Is equity and social impact part of your mission but a large part of your focus on wealthy and powerful donors, clients or other stakeholders?

Are you trying to increase community engagement but being met with distrust or realizing you are ill-equipped to collaborate with communities you don’t have authentic connections to?

Does your organization achieve its mission at the expense of its staff who are exhausted and burned out?


You know that you need to do something.

And you think you might need some help.

We don’t claim to have all the answers and we’re not here to fix things for you. 

We’re called Co-Creating Inclusion because we believe the process of creating inclusion should itself be inclusive.

What we are here to do is to work with you to listen, analyze, understand, discover, explore, facilitate conversations and brainstorming, collaborate, imagine, design, iterate and co-create strategies for shifting culture towards equity and inclusion in service of your organization’s mission.


Want to learn more?
